I just opened a very special email sent to me by a sweatheart named Pam. It seems her sister Jessica's big day got a little bit bigger on October 24th. Not only did she wed the man of her dreams Jason but it just so happens that they will be moving into their dream home thanks to CashCrimson.
You see, on the Sunday prior (Sept. 28th) I uncharacteristically posted three big plays on Youcapper. Jason, a devoted CashCrimson follower who was about to experience one of the biggest days of his life, saw that as an omen.
Jason plunked down half of his remaining savings on a three team reverse box and scored the greatest windfall of his life! I can't help but smile when I look at the joy on Jessica's face as she tells Pam the great news Jason had just revealed to her. Thank you Pam for the wonderful email.
I'm so glad things worked out the way they did. Jason broke a very important CashCrimson rule though... BET STRAIGHT, OR DON'T BET AT ALL. Remember, each season is long so pace yourself. Too many high risk moves and you may find yourself stuck on the sidelines busted out.
Start winning today. Keep an eye out for all my sports picks.