2008 was a great year. My documented "Trufigure" on Youcapper.com for the 4 month period is +4170. Those of you who are nickel bettors have made $20,850. At that pace, a full year would return an $83,400 profit.
Look out sports books in 2009!
Look out sports books in 2009!
It's nice to have my plays documented by a third party and released to the community before the games takes place. A special thanks goes out to Youcapper.
Another important thanks goes out to each of you who've trusted me and bought my picks. I will continue to do all I can to keep you prospering in 2009.
Also, thanks for all the emails. They remind me that I'm really helping people and it feels good. I wish I could post all of them but only a select few ever make it to the blog. Pam's is still my favorite.